Profiles were definitely an afterthought when I first released MCCreations Next. I mean, they worked but that was about it. They were bland and mostly unchangeable and this was something I was very aware of. I didn’t expect it to take this long, but profiles are finally taking the first step to their final form (along with a lot of other updates).
Profiles now support Widgets, a powerful customization system that allows you to add what you want to your profile where want. At launch there are the following widgets:
Text - Add text to your profile
Image - Add an image to your profile
Showcase - Showcase your maps, datapacks, resourcepacks or all of them
Featured Creation - Feature a creation on your profile
Wall - A place for you to leave messages on your profile and others to respond
Support Site - Support the site by placing an ad widget on the page
Youtube - Showcase your latest youtube video
Twitch - Showcase your Twitch channel
Discord - Showcase a Discord server
You can add as many of each widget as you want (although don’t get too crazy :p)
Widgets can be dragged and resized freely (yes you can make your profile ugly)
To support widgets, the your profile card and banner have moved to the top of the page
Browse Pages
Browse pages also have a new, more compact look
On Desktop, filters have moved to a sidebar on the left side
All Tags are automatically exposed now
Selecting a sort option will automatically update the list
The search button has been merged into the same row as the search bar
Bulk Download button has been removed from mobile to save space
The default status is now Published instead of Verified. This means your creation is now visible on browse pages by default before it has been reviewed.
Searching and filtering has been much improved, now no longer preferring recency over all else
Since there was already a separate announcement for the translation changes I won’t go too in depth into them here. Long story short, we migrated to a new translation system that is much better.
Rich Text
It’s a little weird to right a whole blurb about this, but several new features have been added to the rich text editor
Options for customizing Font Size
Options for coloring text
Options for changing the background of text
Ability to add spoilers
Changed the strikethrough icon to an actual strikethrough icon
Everything Else
There have been a ton of changes since September 4th, some of which have been live for over a month at this point. Now it’s their time to shine!
Several loading skeletons across the site have been fixed, which should prevent some content from jumping around while loading
Migrated Auth from sessionStorage to localStorage. Now you won’t have to sign in again if you close the tab!
Mobile improvements
Significantly improved error checking when submitting your creations for verification
New static content list pages that I don’t know what to do with
Fixed new playlists added to the homepage being unscrollable
Improve the way the Rich Text input saves changes, fixing several bugs
Fix comments not working
Fix leaderboards displaying when they should not
Fix the edit form not saving correctly in several instances
Fix various errors that could occur when non-verified creations appeared in browse pages
Fix Publish button sometimes not saving that you had published your creation
Fix approval requests for datapacks and resourcepacks not messaging admins
Fix pagination on the datapack and resourcepack browse pages
Fix downloads not being counted for datapacks and resourcepacks